A Shoji pocket door - 28" x 80" x 1-3/8" and a set of closet Shoji to span 70-3/8" x 80-1/2" (including tracking). Built in Beech with 1 mm white Warlon laminated paper
and inlaid Ebony door pulls. Ed's guitar for scale.
Trim detail
Stack of kumiko frames going together.
Some of the kumiko parts for the last three orders- the labor intensive part of a shoji screen. Every little 'stick' needs to be planed-cut to length-notched-planed again-oiled-oiled again then burnished and assembled. There are two kumiko frames per shoji and the last step is to cut the laminated paper make the kumiko-paper-kumiko sandwich that will slide into the shoji frame. K18 is a more complicated pattern with many more pieces and each of the free floating ends needs to be detail trimmed as shown above.